Healing of Physical Ailments

Rapid recovery from a range of physical ailments was observed, also indicating enhanced immunity levels:
100% of participants recorded significant weight loss

  • 100% of participants recorded total recovery from eating disorders
  • 100% of participants recorded total recovery from chronic fatigue
  • 92% of participants showed marked total recovery from rheumatoid arthritis
  • 78% of participants showed marked recovery from osteo-arthritis
  • 79% of participants showed marked recovery from asthma
  • 71% of participants showed marked recovery from chronic headaches

Participants also recorded lowering of fasting blood sugar, decreased BMI and improvement in psychosomatic illnesses and auto-immune diseases.

Table 1: Effect on weight & BMI

Initial Final Significance
Weight (kg) 70.14±13.28 68.47±12.68 t=10.784; P<0.001**
BMI (kg/m2) 25.61±4.66 25.00±4.47 t=10.767; P<0.001**
Chest (inches) 37.63±3.41 36.52±3.34 t=6.797; P<0.001**
Waist (inches) 34.03±4.63 31.66±4.23 t=9.994; P<0.001**
Hip (inches) 39.72±3.71 38.29±3.56 t=6.851; P<0.001**
WHR (Waist-hip ratio) 0.86±0.10 0.83±0.08 t=3.692; P<0.001**
Chest–Waist Ratio 1.12±0.09 1.16±0.10 t=4.586; P<0.001**

Results are presented in Mean ± SD

Table 2: Effect on Clinical Variables

Initial Final Significance
HR (bpm) 76.88±11.27 71.19±10.29 t=5.130; P<0.001**
DBP (mm Hg) 117.87±18.14 74.54±12.94 t=24.332; P<0.001**
FBS (mg/dl) 101.97±17.91 97.87±11.71 t=2.686; P=0.008**

Results are presented in Mean ± SD

Table 3: Effect on Clinical Variables

Complications Num. of patients (n=100) Percentage (%)
Known Diabetic 8 8.0
Known HTN 8 8.0
Eating Disorder 3 3.0
Thyroid 8 8.0
High Cholesterol 10 10.0
Musculoskeletal 8 8.0
Insomnia 5 5.0

Table 4: Chest-Waist ratio

Chest-Waist ratio INITIAL FINAL
<1.0 7% 4%
>1.0 93% 96%

Table 5: Weight loss according to Chest-Waist ratio

 Weight loss Chest–Waist ratio
<1.0 >1.0
Min-Max 1.0-3.0 2.0-6.0
Mean ± SD 1.88±1.03 1.66±1.57

Weight loss is not statistically associated with Chest–Waist ratio with P=0.785

Table 6: Correlation of Waist reduction on weight loss

Waist reduction Weight loss (kg) Min-Max Mean ± SD
<0 cm -1 to 4 1.55±1.19
1-5 cm -2 to 6 1.71±1.64
>5 cm 0 to 2 1.29±0.76